Good Morning America : KGO : August 14, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> number six metering lights are on at the bay bridge toll plaza. the backup is to west grand avenue. 51 minutes is what it will take you to get from highway four into san francisco. >> number seven mcdonald's is trying to lure adults with a happy meal of their own. collector meals come with one of six collectible cups decorated with designs based on happy meal toys. they cover everything from hot wheels to hello kitty. >> i hope it's the real glass. remember when mcdonald's used to have, like, real glass? sure did. yeah we don't need more plastic. yeah, these oceans in the happy meal. >> you want a whole glass? i do. give it to >> robin: good morning america. the race for the white house heating up this morning. on the trail, governor tim walz makes his first solo stop, courting union workers and defending his military record.

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the harris campaign emphasizing its union ties, as donald trump gets back on the campaign trail in swing states. the economy taking center stage in the race for the white house this week. >> michael: overnight tropical storm ernesto on the move, lashing puerto rico and striking the caribbean. where the storm is headed next as it gains strength. ginger has the track and timing. >> george: the new lawsuit against general motors over the company's data track. what it could mean for your privacy on the road? >> robin: new developments in the alex murdaugh double murder trial. why the former lawyer is one step closer to a possible retrial in the killing of his wife and son. >> michael: new twist in the bronze medal battle. what we're learning about the head of the panel that stripped jordan chiles of her medal in the floor exercise. >> george: dramatic rescue. newly released body cam footage shows a police officer racing to save a woman trapped in her car

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under water after her son flagged him down. good samaritans jumped in to help. back to school scam warning. fraudsters targeting shoppers as kids go back to the classroom. how to spot a potential scam? >> robin: cell phone crackdown. the movement to restrict phones in schools. how one state is pushing to keep them out of the hands of kids in the classrooms. >> michael: and honking mad. >> it will be honk, honk honk, honk honk honk. >> michael: why some self-driving cars in san francisco have been blaring their horns, and what the neighbors have been saying about losing sleep to the noise. >> announcer: live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> michael: good morning america. thank you for being with us on this wednesday morning. >> robin: we have the latest on inflation. new numbers are out this morning. what they could mean for the federal reserve's next move. plus the new warning from home depot. >> george: lot of people are

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keeping an eye on that. first the race for the white house. vice president harris' running mate made his first solo campaign stop as donald trump gets back on the trail. selina wang tracking it all from washington. good morning, selina. >> reporter: good morning, george. jd vance and other republicans are attacking governor walz for retiring from military service before his unit was deployed to iraq. governor walz is also under fire for saying in 2018 that he carried weapons in war even though he never saw active combat. the harris campaign later saying that he misspoke. governor walz, he is now hitting the campaign trail and defending his military record. overnight, minnesota governor tim walz defending his military record after relentless attacks from donald trump and jd vance, who've accused walz of lying about his military record. >> i'm gonna say it again as clearly as i can. i am damn proud of my service to this country. and i firmly believe you should

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never denegrate another person's service record. >> reporter: walz retired from the national guard after two decades of service to run for congress, hitting back attacks from vance, who also never saw active combat. >> anyone brave enough to putted on that uniform for our great country, including my opponent, i just have a few simple words. thank you for your service and sacrifice. >> reporter: slamming trump as out of touch with working america. >> can you simply picture donald trump working at a mcdonald's trying to make a mcflurry or something? he knows us. he knows us. he couldn't run that damn mcflurry machine if it cost him anything. >> reporter: as the harris campaign emphasizes its union ties the united autoworkers union filing complaints with the national labor relations board against trump and elon musk after their conversation on x claiming they're threatening

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striking workers. >> i look at what you do. you walk in you say, you want to quit? they go on strike. i won't mention the name of the company. they go on strike and you say, that's okay. you're all gone. you're all gone. so every one of you is gone. >> reporter: even the teamsters boss who spoke at the republican convention saying firing workers for organizing striking and exercising their rights as americans is economic terrorism. this morning trump getting back on the campaign trail in swing states after a week and a half away. speaking in north carolina this afternoon as some republicans push to keep their candidate focused on issues like inflation and immigration instead of insulting vice president kamala harris. in response to the uaw charge, the trump campaign is saying, quote, this frivolous lawsuit is a shameless political stunt intended to erode president trump's overwhelming support among america's workers. trump and harris are claiming they would do more to help working class americans. harris is also planning to roll

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out her economic vision later this week. george? >> george: okay, selina. context for the trump campaign attack on military service that the former president avoided service in vietnam claiming bone spurs. thank you very much. robin? >> robin: turning to ernesto. the storm lashing puerto rico and now on the move. let's turn to ginger with the track and timing. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: we didn't even see landfall, but more than 300,000 people in puerto rico are already without power. you don't need landfall you just need a storm really close. that's exactly what ernesto had done. it passed east of it. it's well north of san juan, more than 85 miles north northwest. this is video where they saw gusts easily of 74 miles per hour plus. they had hurricane force gusts. u.s. british and virgin islands 86 mile per hour gusts. there's the storm right now. you can see the broad impact from clouds and the radar where it taps into that tropical moisture. san juan itself in a flash flood warning right now. that means you do not want to be out in that driving.

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it can easily add up, especially in the rain forest. the warnings go all the way back to the south shore. we're going to keep that up until about noon or 1 p.m. then start to pull north more so toward bermuda. it will also become a hurricane today. it looks like it could become a major hurricane by early friday as it approaches bermuda. bermuda is very sound when it comes to hurricanes but we'll be watching that closely. thankfully, we keep that trough that keeps it from maine to florida. nova scotia, i'd still be on alert. >> michael: thank you, ginger. that was a lot there. thank you very much. we're turning to the diplomatic effort to head off a wider war in the middle east and restart gaza cease fire talks. tom soufi burridge is in tel aviv with the latest. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning, michael. yeah. president biden indicating iran could hold off attacking israel if a gaza cease fire deal is possible. the u.s. working flat out to get israel and hamas back around the negotiating table tomorrow even

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before then u.s. diplomats in cairo trying to find a solution for one of the major sticking points in the talks. the idf saying it's continuing to strike hamas infrastructure throughout the gaza strip. this palestinian father overcome by grief after an israeli strike hit his apartment killing his newborn baby twins and his wife. the death toll in gaza now just short of 40,000 according to the hamas run health ministry. overnight the state department approving the sale of $20 billion worth of weaponry to israel, as the israeli military and the pentagon remain on high alert for possible retaliation strikes by iran or hezbollah for those two assassinations. a statement in saying a diplomatic solution is urgently needed because no one wants a wider war between israel and hezbollah in lebanon. >> robin: no one wants that. thank you for your reporting, tom. now to the war in ukraine. russia fighting back after

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ukraine surprise advance. ian pannell has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. another region of russia declaring a state of emergency over ukraine's audacious operation across the border. overnight the government in belgorod calling the situation very difficult following attacks by ukrainian forces saying houses are destroyed, civilians injured. that has been used to launch deadly attacks on ukraine. russian troops seen captured and taken prisoners as they pound the region with missiles and drones claiming control of over 80 settlements. it's also struck three russian air fields one 380 miles inside russia itself. ukraine's shock counter invasion catching the kremlin and putin's army off guard. now they're trying to rush men into place to try and drive the ukrainians out. there is some sign of ukrainian forces starting to dig in, while others are trying to advance with fierce fire fighting

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reported. a senior russian official vowing to launch an all out offensive to drive the ukrainians out. but this has been a major blow to putin and his war plan in ukraine. i think two key questions. one, can ukraine hold on to the territory or can putin get control of his own back yard? george? >> george: ian pannell, thanks. there's a new report from hunter biden. new york times reports hunter biden tried to get help from the u.s. embassy in italy for an energy deal while his father was vice president. terry moran is in washington with the story. >> reporter: good morning, george. for years reporters and some republican lawmakers have been investigating whether hunter biden was trading off of his father's name to make money on business ventures overseas when joe biden was vice president. now the new york times reports hunter biden, while his father was serving as barack obama's vice president, wrote to the u.s. ambassador in italy seeking assistance for the ukrainian energy company burisma while hunter biden was on the board of that company. burisma wanted to do business in

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italy. the times reports that u.s. embassy officials appear to have been uneasy with this request. one writing i do not want to promise too much. an attorney for hunter biden confirms he did ask the u.s. ambassador, among other people, for help. the attorney goes on to say no project or even meeting ever happened after biden's request. the new york times also reports that it has fought the federal government for years to obtain these documents but their request was only granted days after president biden withdrew from the presidential campaign. george. >> george: terry, hunter biden also facing trial in september? >> reporter: he is facing trial. hunter biden is accused, among also reporting income from foreign businesses including burisma. last weekend a court filing in that case prosecutors say they now have evidence that hunter biden contacted the state department on behalf of an executive from romania also

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while his father was vice president. jury selection in that case begins september 5th. george? >> george: thanks. robin? >> robin: now the new lawsuit against general phoeters over the company's data tracking claiming it could lead to higher car insurance rates. trevor ault has the latest. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning. the texas attorney general said gm installed data collection software on more than 14 million vehicles. this was information about when and how people were driving. they were selling that information to car insurance companies, sometimes costing drivers serious money in the process. this morning general motors in the hot seat, texas suing the car maker, claiming gm violated the privacy of millions of americans. the suit claims the company misled customers into sharing data about their driving habits by enrolling them in safety programs then selling that information collected by those programs to data brokers. that data on customers habits ended up in the hands of insurance companies, prompting them to raise some customers'

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rates. >> this is the beginning of an era where we will continue to be connected in every possible way. cars might seem like the last bastion of the environment but it's one more thing that's getting connected. >> reporter: the lawsuit comes months after a new york times investigation revealed gm and other automakers were selling customer data, even instances of speeding or hard braking. the texas attorney general said millions of american drivers wanted to buy a car not a comprehensive surveillance system. general motors spokes person said the company has been in discussions with the attorney general's office and says, quote, we share the desire to protect consumers' privacy. this lawsuit says the technology was installed on most vehicles model year 2015 and after ward. the state wants gm to pay fines and compensation to drivers and to delete all the data they say was collected illegally. michael?

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>> michael: thank you. now the new development in the alex murdaugh case. the south carolina supreme court said it will hear his jury tampering appeal which brings him one step closer to a possible retrial. eva pilgrim has been following this stoy from the start. it keeps going on. >> the latest twist here. this morning in a surprise ruling, the south carolina supreme court agreeing to hear alex murdaugh's jury tampering appeal. in a july filing murdaugh's lawyers arguing common sense says that when an elected state official goes into the jury room during a murder trial to advocate for a guilty verdict because she wants to make money selling books about the guilty verdict, the result should be a mistrial. now, this decision overturning a january hearing where former chief justice told denied murdaugh a new trial after allegations of jury tampering by court clerk becky hill. the supreme court will now consider whether murdaugh should be granted a new trial.

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previously three of the 12 jurors saying court clerk becky hill talked about murdaugh with them. it was hill that read that guilty verdict at murdaugh's trial. six months later writing a book. she is facing counts of misconduct with connection to improperly seeking financial gain and will appear before the state ethics commission in december. now, hill denies any wrongdoing. murdaugh, meanwhile, is serving life without parole after a jury found him guilty of killing his wife and son. we, of course, will continue to follow this case. >> george: thank you, eva. we're going to turn to the economy. inflation numbers due out this morning. rebecca jarvis here with a preview and the economic warning from one of the nation's largest retailers. >> rebecca: good morning, george. inflation reached a milestone, now below 3 opin% for the first since 2021. it will determine what the federal reserve does when it meets in september and whether it lowers interest rates for the first time in over four years. while consumers and businesses are still stretched by prices

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considerably higher than they were three years ago, the rate of price increases has slowed dramatically and economists believe inflation in july was unchanged from june. 3% higher than it was a year ago. not quite the fed's target 2% rate, but a signal that there is a good chance of a rate cut, an interest rate cut next month. where prices are likely falling, new and used cars, air fare, shelter has been one of the biggest drivers of inflation. rents are rising at their lowest rate since 2022. some economists predict that trend will continue which is what you want to see because where people are really getting stretched is in three areas. gasoline, shelter, food costs. we are starting to see all of those trend lower. >> george: we have that possible recession warning from home depot. >> rebecca: very much attention being paid to this warning. obviously home depot is an incredibly important retailer. they serve so much of the economy. consumer sentiment has been mixed despite what has continued to be a relatively healthy economy when you look at the

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jobs rate. unemployment still near its lowest in many, many years. and you also have issues like the housing market. that's still at a bit of a standstill. so with this question of where interest rates go next, home depot is predicting that it will take time before people start engaging in home improvement because the housing market has been is the often is stand still. they have seen their business slow down. once interest rates start to drop, again predicted to happen next month, they could see the housing market start to pick up as more people decide to list their homes because they actually have more buyers who are interested. those buyers can get access to mortgages far more affordable than they have been. >> george: interest rates affect everyone. okay, rebecca. thanks very much. coming up the new questions in the bronze medal controversy that cost jordan chiles her medal for the floor exercise. >> robin: and the family of johnny whacker demands months after he was gunned down months ago in los angeles.

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>> michael: plus a dramatic rescue caught on camera. how officers and a good samaritan saved a woman trapped in her car under water. first back to ginger. >> ginger: damaging winds in excess of 83 miles per hour. gusts were in parts of colorado. we've got video from some of the damage. they easily had 60 to 70 mile per hour gusts that took down some of the roofing and put it into the building there. that was not it. there was one reported tornado. also up in linden utah had the highway there with hail on the sides of it. the severe storms moving through utah tapped into that monsoon moisture and caused flash flooding. this is salt lake city. salt lake city in many pockets had not as much rain you could imagine but for them they, in 48 hours, got a month's worth of rain. this all happened really quickly. that was after a pretty dry july. wanted to show you the warm front is gonna lift through, getting early into tomorrow, then friday early morning as well. so two pockets to watch for damaging winds primarily. today it's omaha and kansas city. tomorrow springfield, st. louis, all the way down south to

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paducah. mostly damaging wind but you could see a spinoff tornado. your local weather in 30 seconds.

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>> michael: coming up how a high stress job could affect your heart health. we're breaking down the new study. robin, relax. you're okay. we'll be right back. i have dry eye... tired, itchy, burning... my symptoms got worse over time. my eye doctor explained the root was inflammation—so he prescribed xiidra. xiidra works differently. xiidra targets inflammation. over-the-counter drops don't do this. they only hit pause on my symptoms. but twice-daily xiidra gives me lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra and seek medical help if needed. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort, blurred vision, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. before using xiidra, remove contact lenses and wait fifteen minutes before re-inserting.

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♪ stay ahead of your moderate-to-severe eczema. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning everyone i'm kumasi aaron happening right now in the north bay. firefighters are working to gain control of a vegetation fire that forced brief evacuations in novato.

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flames broke out late last night near atherton avenue and highway 101. the marin county sheriff's office says the fire is now 25% contained. all evacuation warnings and orders were lifted around 120. this morning. firefighters say no homes have been damaged and the cause of the fire is being investigated. >> amanda kumasi our overall map showing the wednesday morning commute is well underway. >> we're going to take you to sunol northbound 680 at 84. emergency road work is contained to the left lane. traffic is passing in the right lanes. no delays there. then southbound 680, in walnut creek. it is congested as to be expected, heading toward highway 24. >> kumasi meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at the bay ar

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fight the insurance companies with just any lawyer. call one 800 for bikers. we ride, we care. we win. if you go down, call russ brown. motorcycle attorneys. >> the new school year is here. but for foster kids, this day can be a hard one. that's why mancini's brought down the ticket to dream foundation is hosting a school supply drive for foster kids to participate just bring a new backpacks and school supplies to any mancini sleep world, any slow super knows you'll enjoy your drink from mcdonald's longer than anyone else. >> get any size soft drink for just 169 or any size premium roast coffee for the same price. bah bah bah bah bah. >> live new season starts september third. >> this morning we're looking at the tam cam. the sun is up. looking lovely there.

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temperatures right now. we're in the 50s and 60s around the bay shoreline. good morning. palo alto 58. 56 in castro valley in the north bay. we're mainly in the 50s, from santa rosa to napa, inland concord, brentwood. temperatures in the low and mid 60s. by the way, your ocean temperature a little cooler than yesterday, down to 53 degrees. here's a look at the inland forecast. lots of sunshine, 80s and 90s 70s with sunshine around the bay shoreline. we'll stay in the 60s along the coast. it is a little breezy later on this afternoon, but temperatures close to average for this time of the year. kumasi >> thanks, joe. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven is next. everyone else's gma. so if you wicked, the untold true story of the witches of oz flies back to the orpheum theater from august 28th through october 13th. >> only visit broadway sf .com to get wicked a breath of fresh air for your home. >> the new mariko collection from living spaces brings the

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seven live guard protection this exclusive technology allows simplisafe agents to help stop crime in real time. stop police are on their way for instant intruder deterrence and faster police response. there's no safe like simplisafe. no one true instinct unlocked her true instincts from day one. >> it's high protein nutrition with real meat number one supporting her healthy energy and strong muscles and the life she was born to live. purina one true instinct a difference from day one. >> labor day mattress deals are happening now at ashley. save up to $1,200 on select mattress purchases, plus get 0% interest for five years on in-store purchases >> >> emily? >> emily? >> stop hitting my boat. >> i'm not hitting your boat. >> robin: back here on gma.

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that is a sneak peek at the new season of "emily in paris." the new season is out this week. lily collins tells us about her favorite looks and what to expect. >> george: great show. following a lot of headlines including the race for the white house heating up as the economy takes center stage. vice president harris expected to roll out her economic plan to lower cost and take on corporate price gouging. this comes as former president trump gets back on the trail in swing states. starbucks forced out its ceo. he's stepping down to be replaced by chipotle chief brian nichols. sales of the coffee giant have been falling in recent years. >> michael: the 77th annual little league world series begins today in williamsport, pennsylvania, with an opening round quadruple header. the series features ten teams from across the u.s. and ten from around the globe. first game between aruba and

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mexico starts at 1 p.m. eastern on espn. we have a lot more ahead including a back to school scam warning. how fraudsters are targeting shoppers as kids return to the classroom. that's all coming up. >> george: now jordan chiles medal controversy. we are learning more about the head of the pan that ruled against the o olypist. >> reporter: this morning another spin in the story. questions now about a possible conflict of interest and it's one of the main people who determined that chiles must return her bronze medal. this morning a new twist in the on going saga in the battle over bronze after u.s. gymnast jordan chiles was forced to return her medal. a new twist in the battle over bronze medal. the head of the three person panel at the board of arbitration for sport which awarded the third place medal to the romanian gymnast has been representing romanian interests in arbitration proceedings for years.

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now many are crying foul, accusing dr. garvey, the president of the panel, of having a conflict of interest. garvey, an attorney based in france, says to abc news in a statement, i am not allowed to comment on these or any other matters in relation to my role as an arbitrator in this or any other case. his position had been previously revealed before the panel was created. chiles bronze medal finish happening after an inquiry into her difficulty move. the judges determining she should be awarded an extra tenth of a point enough to push her from fifth to third. >> the sport of gymnastics is a subjecti eui e will make mistakes. >> lara: 23-year-old chiles appearing on gma after her win. >> anna is an amazing athlete. she's done amazing things within

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her gymnastics as well. so i'm very proud of myself, but also very proud of her as well. >> lara: but days later the court ruled the usa coaches appeal came four seconds too late, stripping chiles of her medal. usa gymnastics though fighting back, saying they have time stamped video showing a request to file an inquiry and a second statement within the one minute deadline. but their request to open the case was denied by the courts. and just this morning the u.s. olympic committee telling abc news they were not given adequate time or notice to effectively challenge the decision against chiles but they are committed to pursuing an appeal so that she receives the recognition she deserves. this comes as millions around the world are rallying around both gymnasts. many calling for them both to be awarded the bronze medal this morning. >> george: why not? >> lara: agree. but it is about a degree of difficulty. it's math. >> robin: they made a mistake. >> lara: yeah. >> michael: sad that both

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gymnasts are stuck in the middle of it. >> lara: they don't deserve it. such a shame. appreciate that. now the death of general hospital actor johnny whackter who was gunned down by suspected catalytic converter thief in may. his murder is still unsolved. the family is slamming l angeles officials as pro criminal. melissa adan is in l.a. with more. good morning, melissa. >> reporter: good morning, michael. so it's been more than two months since the actor was gunned down in l.a. and that murder suspect is still on the run. now this morning we're hearing a heart breaking plea from the actor's mom. >> johnny's death wasn't anything. it's wrong. >> reporter: the family and friends of the slain general hospital actor demanding answers as his murder case remains unsolved. >> johnny was a victim of a failed system, a breakdown of public safety here in los angeles. it's unacceptable. >> reporter: it was overnight in downtown l.a. on may 25th when whackter and his co-worker left the bar they work at and saw

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would be assailants trying to steal the catalytic converter from his car. as whackter approached them, he was gunned down before they sped off. the suspects are still at large. overnight his mother, scarlet, telling gma her son's death still comes as a shock. >> i still have moments where it just hits you and you realize, you're not going to see him here on earth. >> reporter: the l.a.p.d. recently releasing these images in a community alert showing three suspects in and around a black sedan. >> it only takes one tip, a relative, a friend, somebody that maybe one of these thieves works with. >> i do believe someone in the community, they know something. and so i'm really counting on them to come forward and to help the police do their job, to make this place safer. >> los angeles mayor bass responding to abc news saying, quote, we will continue to be

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relentless in our efforts to bring those responsible for this senseless tragedy to justice. guys? >> robin: all right, melissa, our thanks to you. now a heart pounding rescue of a texas mom who suffered a seizure while behind the wheel and plunged into a body of water. newly released police body cam video shows officers and good samaritans jumping into action. eva pilgrim is back with that story. good morning again, eva. >> good morning again, robin. that mother of two lucky to be alive. she is recovering in the hospital, doing much better this morning thanks to the quick thinking of her son and the kindness of strangers. >> she's having a seizure. she's in the hospital. help. >> come on. >> reporter: this morning the heart pounding moment a 12-year-old boy desperately flags down a police officer. his mother trapped in her car under water just off a texas highway. >> i'll bring you over. >> hurry! >> reporter: this newly released body camera video showing the officer running to help after 39-year-old dawnqueta winbush

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had a seizure, driving her vehicle with her two children inside, 16-year-old breaha and 12-year-old dwight into a pond. >> my nephew was to swim out of the car to police. >> reporter: the officer running to his cruiser to grab a window punch to break into the car. >> here, i got a punch. >> reporter: as other good samaritans jump in to help. >> i realized that it was happening at that very moment. i pulled over and i jumped in the water. >> reporter: this man saying the men were able to break the back window, but then the car began to sink. >> and then as soon as we were opening the door, the front door, i heard, i got her. i felt like i won the lottery. >> get her up here. >> reporter: the men pulling winbush out of the water. she was unconscious, had no pulse, and was not breathing. watch as officer cobb begins

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several frantic minutes of cpr. >> i remember grabbing her hand. i could feel the pulse in her wrist. i really don't know how to describe it to you, other than just life started coming back into her. >> reporter: after more than three weeks on a ventilator, winbush's sister telling abc news she is breathing on her own and get stronger day by day. her family grateful for the quick thinking rescuers. >> my sister and my niece and nephew, they all needed you. y'all didn't hesitate. >> winbush still has a long road to recovery. that good samaritan even visiting her in the hospital. he, the other good samaritans, the officers were all just honored with an award by the city recognizing their heroic actions. i was telling you guys, if it wasn't for the whole group, they wouldn't have been able to get her out. >> robin: wow. >> michael: glad that they were able to. all right, eva, thank you for bringing that to us. coming up next a back to school scam warning. what to watch out for as students head back to class. we'll be back with more gma. he.

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we will be right back with more "gma." ♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪ ♪ music ♪ ♪ (mmm) (mmm) (hmm) (mmmhmm) ♪ milk chocolate beyond words. classic recipe by lindt. >> at university of maryland global campus, getting a bachelor's degree doesn't have to mean starting from scratch. here you can earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience. what will your next success be?

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missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪) nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and more... all in one delicious, monthly, soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus: the one you want for one-and-done protection. hey! i'll give you $574 if you switch. for an ice cream? okay. so, what about $574 for switching your home insurance to allstate?

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tempting. but that's way too much of a hassle. actually, it's not. allstate can handle the switching for you. just call 'em. so, it's easy and i could save? and you get allstate. huh, like a cherry on top. oh, you brought your own. check allstate first and you could save hundreds. you're in good hands with allstate. t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. hey, it's me, your skin. i want to feel clean, but will it leave me tight or stripped? cerave foaming cleanser removes excess oil. with niacinamide and three essential ceramides, cerave prevents disruption of my barrier. so we're refreshingly clean.

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cerave foaming cleanser. >> robin: w >> robin: we're back with a scam alert. with kids heading back to the classroom, back to school shopping is in full swing, but experts are warning that back to school scams also at an all-time high. becky worley joins us to break it all down for us. good morning, becky. >> robin, good morning. it is back to school season. this year fraudsters are taking advantage of frazzled parents. new alerts from consumer

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protection agency and major credit card issuer tell you what to look for and how it's not just parents that need to pay attention. back to school means new pencils, backpacks and scams. this morning visa saying they've seen a 71% uptick in chatter on the dark web related to back to school scams. >> there is a back to school period. there is a certain amount of anxiety. when consumers are stressed, they're not thinking clearly. that spells a higher amount of success for the fraudster. >> reporter: fraudsteres trying to get money through scams like e-mail or text pretending to be from a school administrator, fake scholarship application. even back to school shopping sites that aren't legitimate. it's not just parents of young kids that need to be vigilant. >> 18-24-year-olds are more likely to fall for a scam.

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it's a really good time to have a conversation especially with kids going away to school about online scams. >> reporter: scams targeted at college students like rental listings, where a student might put up a deposit then the person they've been dealing with disappear. fake internship offers where there's some sort of payment up front for supplies required. even an unpaid tuition scam threatening students that they will be unenrolled if they don't pay over the phone. >> 18-24-year-olds grew up with the internet. they're not as skeptical as older people. they're used to just pulling out their phone, making a purchase, doing things online, that they're not thinking, hey, i can get scammed or this website might not be real. make sure you know who's on the other end. >> reporter: meaning that an important part of a student's education these days is learning to avoid scams. the best tips for all e-mail and texts that come in unsolicited who, how, what. who is it from? look at the e-mail address. is it really from your school or teacher? how?

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how are they trying to make you feel? are they trying to scare you? if so, this is a huge red flag. finally, what? what do they want? if it's money or information, or for you to click a link, slow down and phone a friend. i think it's a really good idea to have a buddy where you help each other with these solicitation. my parents do this for each other. hey, does this seem like it may be a scam? even just pausing to think and not react can save you thousands of dollars, robin, and so much heartache. >> robin: that's great advice right there. that is so true. thank you, becky. hopefully, we've helped some folks today. back to school. come on. come on. >> michael: nothing is off limits. >> robin: nothing is. >> michael: okay. thank you, becky. coming up next our play of the day on this -- what is it, robin? hump day. >> robin: thank you. our "play of the day." what is it? hump day.

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blocked from watching the big match? [referee whistle] save the day by using the bank of america customized cash rewards card and choose to earn 3% cash back on online purchases. like live streaming. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ (♪) ♪ i feel free ♪ (♪) ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ (♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months.

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and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. (♪) ♪ nothing and me go hand-in-hand, ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ now's the time, ask your doctor about skyrizi, the number one dermatologist- prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. no one should have to choose between good vision and great value. that's why america's best is slashing their prices. during the wise buys sales event, get two progressives and a comprehensive eye exam for just $129.95. book an exam online today. we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli.

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>> michael: back now with our play of the day. one teacher who is changing up the lesson plan for his elementary school students. lara, you're back with this. >> lara: i love this story. i love mr. c. that's what his kids call him. i'm pretty sure c stands for creativity. want you to check out his take on evaporation taught to taylor swift's blank space. ♪ >> lara: teacher at hanover elementary works with special ed students.

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he hires a singer to add lyric, vocals. he know his limits. how about a little math lesson set to 'nsync's bye, bye, bye. ♪ >> lara: so smart. such a great idea. mr. c, you get an a. >> michael: the hair. >> robin: a +. >> lara: making it fun and they will never forget it. will never forget it. we'll be right back. but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments,

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so i can do more of what i love. (♪) (♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. school is back, and dick's sporting goods has what you need to win your year. check backpacks off your list from nike, the north face, and more. plus, score the latest colors from stanley, yeti, and owala. with gear this good, it's never been easier to win your year

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delivered fast, right to your door. for low prices and fast shipping. for life with pets, there's chewy with everything. [♪] if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning, for life with pets, did you know, the best time for skin renewal is at night? olay retinol24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger-looking skin with olay retinol24. in the wayborhood, every delivery is a treat. one pistachio for you, sir. one strawberry poof, please. oh. enjoy it. oh, poofect. bye waybor. something minty? of course, it's a large. [ gasps ] ♪ ♪ a double. lucky. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ >> ginger: coming up the new push in california to ban cell phones in school.

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plus the driverless cars that are making some in san francisco lose sleep. your local news and weather next. z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time. business five year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time, no matter how long your journey to recovery may be, we'll be with you 100% of the

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way. >> justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion. wake up. personal injury law. visit. wake up. >> good morning america is sponsored by wayfair, the destination for all things home. wayfair. every style, every hom. >> the hot seat is all fired up. could this be the episode with the biggest win yet? yes. i think you're misunderstanding. you haven't won the million yet. we didn't think we'd get the first one. jimmy kimmel hosts an all new who wants to be a millionaire tonight on abc from abc, seven mornings. >> good morning everyone. i'm camille sierra. we're going to check in with amanda for a look at traffic. hi kumasi. >> i'm going to take you straight to union city. northbound 880 at alvarado niles road. a three car accident is blocking the left lane. there you can see speeds are down to

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about 12mph. the backup is to fremont street. then to the san mateo bridge. our cam showing a crowded westbound commute. toll plaza to foster city. that will take you 16 minutes. drew. hey amanda. >> we'll start you out with our east bay hills camera showing you some areas of fog. as we look westward, we will find temperatures right now in the 50s and mid 60s. good morning. fremont. 57. but we're at 64 in san jose. you look inland. a little bit warmer than that 68. that current temperature in brentwood, 50s in the north bay. so today, inland, close to 90 for daytime highs 70s around the bay shoreline. we'll stay in the 60s along the coast. so temperatures today at or just slightly above average. a little breezy this afternoon. kumasi. >> thanks, drew. if you're streaming with us on abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven is next on gma >> oh no worries. it's all right. it's all right.

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>> that was roy choi. he's like the godfather of modern food trucks. his kogi sauce. we were the first to carry it. he comes here all the time for our meat and produce. but honestly, i think what he really gets a kick out of seeing how high you can stack those club size boxes. >> go big or go home. stacked like you mean it. smart and final. where else is your home looking dated because of your old cheap, hollow interior doors? >> no other home improvement can refresh the look of your home as quickly and affordably as new interior doors from one day doors and closets. we'll replace your old ugly doors for less than the big box stores are a handyman. in just a few hours, a nice interior door just elevates the house. right now with our buy one get one event. when you buy five doors, get five doors free, call 844 five. >> one day it's toyota's national sales event. swipe into end of summer fun with an exciting new toyota. whether your paddle boarding in a rav4, mountain biking in a tacoma or

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tubing with your best friends in a camry, you'll find plenty to post about all summer long. >> get financing as low as 0% april or up to $2,000 cash back on tundra or lease the 2024 tacoma for as low as 259 a month. come in today. >> oh, like like toyota. >> let's go places. >> when you're hurting an accident, results matter. at sweet james, our attorneys have participated in over 500 trials with a 98% winning record. we don't just win, we win the most there are plenty of personal injury firms, but we are one of the very few that deliver results like these. when your life has been impacted by an injury, there's only one firm to call sweet james. and.

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>> were expecting. the will be making another run with love local >> to find your perfect mattress match at mancini's sleep world, save up to $1,200 at the labor day sales event with tempur-pedic starting at $29 per month. take advantage of 60 month special financing and free next day delivery, removal and set up of your new mattress at mancini's sleep world savage. >> i'm the best >> robin: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. overnight tropical storm ernesto on the move, striking the caribbean. where the storm is headed next, as it gains strength. >> george: work place stress and heart problems. what a new study finds about

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high stress jobs, long term effects on your body and three ways to start destressing at work now. >> michael: check out these savings. we went to the supermarket with the saving whiz. >> you can save a lot of money. >> michael: creative ways to fight inflation, the simple changes you can make that can add up to more money in your pocket. what happened when the emt who brings life saving organs to people need one himself? the long awaited match. now he's cancer free. he tells us why his friends call him strahan. and we have is a big surprise for him. ♪ >> robin: time to say bonjour. >> i promised myself i'd be open to any possibility. >> robin: we go shopping with emily in paris star lily collins. >> oh, it goes with your shirt. >> robin: she gives us the inside scoop on the new season. >> there's definitely a lot of romance. >> robin: right before the big

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premiere. and she's saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. lily collins talking about the new season of "emily in paris." cute show. is she gonna take rebecca jarvis shopping? oh, man. i never get the cool assignments. [ laughter ] but that is coming up. >> robin: we're looking forward to that. also one governor's push for school districts to ban cell phones in the classrooms. >> george: first top stories breaking at 8. ernesto hit puerto rico overnight. let's go to ginger. hey, ginger. >> ginger: hey, george. max sustained winds still at 65 miles per hour. about 125 miles north and west of san juan. that's where the trailing tropical moisture is coming to san juan, all the way around the south shore. we're going to see rain through the early afternoon. locally up to 10 inches. could see major flash flooding. they've been in flash flooding warnings in san juan. u.s. british virgin islands still getting whipped there.

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it's going to move on quickly and become a major hurricane. cat 3 or above as it approaches bermuda. that's why saturday early morning. we are watching the steering mechanism. that big trough is keeping maine to florida safe. if you're in nova scotia, watch out and watch these forecasts. robin? >> robin: we want them to do that. ginger, thank you. now the growing movement to keep cell phones out of the hands of kids in the classroom. california's governor is adding to the pressure, by urging schools in his state to restrict phones on campus. erielle reshef is here with that story. >> as you know, very strong feelings on this one. in a letter to california schools, governor newsom urging every district to immediately restrict cell phones in classrooms ahead of the start of the school year. the governor citing pew research that found 72% of high school and 33% of middle school teachers report cell phone distractions as a major problem. newsom saying reducing phone use in class leads to improved concentration, better academic outcomes and enhanced social interactions.

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newsom applauding los angeles unified and other districts in his state that have already made this move. this push to limit cell phones in schools is growing across the country, with several states already looking to take action. parents are on both sides of this issue. some are worried their kids need their cell phones in case of an emergency. others say it will go a long way to helping them focus while they're in school and improve overall mental health. guys? >> michael: arguments on both sides of that. see where they're bothed going. all right. thank you so much, erielle. now to the driverless car that some san francisco residents say are making them lose sleep with honking horns all night long as they try to park themselves. glad none of us live there. >> lara: isn't that music to your ears? so relaxing, right? people are losing sleep because of the way vemo is parking their cars next door. this morning san francisco

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residents are fed up after being kept up at night by driverless wamo cars honking at each other through the night as they park. >> i cow not be more cranky today. over the past two weeks i have been woken up more times overnight than i have combined over 20 years. >> lara: wamo said they automatically honk their horns when other cars get too close to them while reversing. >> it will be honk. honk honk. honk honk honk. it only lasts maybe 10, 15 seconds, but imagine if your alarm clock is going off for 10 or 15 second. >> when they all come back at once they get into a traffic jam and they start honking at each other. it's so silly to, like, think about traffic jam but here we are. >> lara: wamo said while the feature has been working great in the city, they didn't

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anticipate it would happen so often in their own parking lot adding, we've updated the software so our electric vehicles should keep the noise down for our neighbors moving forward. experts say don't hesitate to voice your concerns when new tech impacts your community. >> it can feel hard but you do have an ability to take charge of the way technology is developed. >> lara: well, residents say after wamo updated their software they have had less symphonies of horns blaring in the middle of the night, so we are moving in the right direction. it must be frustrating hearing horns and having no one to yell at. >> robin: have you ever been in a driverless car? >> lara: no way. >> michael: i have been in a car with some drivers that i wish i wasn't in. [ laughter ] >> lara: more about that tomorrow. >> george: coming up the new study about work place stress and heart health. dr. sutton is here about what to know about that. >> robin: becky worley shares tips to save money at the

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supermarket by getting creative on what you buy. >> michael: plus lily collins on the new season of emily in paris. >> lara: and garcelle beauvais is here. she's talking about her new movie and what's happening with the housewives. we'll have that and so much more coming up on good morning america. that and so much more coming up on "good morning america." ♪ ♪ it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin, some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose.

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serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪) sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on.

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which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. (terrie) if you're a smoker. i have a tip for you. make a video of yourself... before all this happens. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ overactive bladder? i've been there. i also used to plan my days around finding a bathroom, in fear of an embarrassing bladder accident. you're not alone, and you don't have to live like this. i don't! i found real relief with axonics therapy, a proven non-drug solution, and i got my life back. go to to get started.

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ask a bladder specialist if axonics therapy is right for you and to discuss potential risks. results and experiences may vary. your life is waiting! hey miss miller, so, to show their appreciation, results and experiences target is giving teachers 20% off storewide with target circle. and to show mine, i'll...

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grade my own homework. so, you can just relax. a plus plus plus plus plus! >> robin: welcome back to gma. tomorrow halle barry is going to be here talk about a subject very close to her heart. supporting women going through menopause. she's even taken her fight for research and services to capitol hill.

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she's telling us all about it. we put a call out to our viewers, do you have any questions about menopause? whoa. we really want to delve into this. >> george: okay, robin. thanks. our gma cover story. the study that links high stress job with an increase risk of heart problems. dr. darien sutton is here. break down the study for us. >> the study found there's an association between the amount of stress we have at work and a heart condition called afib. this is an abnormal heart rhythm. increases our risk of blood clots. that increases our risk of stroke and heart attack. in the study they found those who had heavy amounts of stress followed by lack of control, heavy work load or inadequate compensation. when followed up 20 years later had a significantly increased risk of a fib. >> george: how does stress affect our body? >> there's a couple studies that show how stress harms us. when you're in a stressful state, that increases our cortisol, our adrenaline, our body is in that fight or flight moment. that increases heart disease,

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infection from disrupting our immune system. irritable bowel syndrome. even our mental health anxiety and depression. >> george: you're probably the world's expert for this last question. doctor who does live television, how can people reduce stress at work? >> if i had to pick one that was more stressful, it might be this. when i'm getting ready for work, i'm going to be in the emergency room all day tomorrow. one of the things i do is a prework ritual. if you have time, you can do your workout at that time. you can do things like yoga. if you don't have time simple things like stretching, meditation or breath work are really beneficial. all making your work environment comfortable. i'm not speaking to my emergency medicine peers but everyone outside of that. make sure your seating is comfortable. surround yourself with things you love. review your expectations with your employer and cutting out anything unnecessary. most importantly, avoid multitask. we often think that makes us look more busy. but then using the chunk method

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helps procrastination. helps productivity. >> george: lot of great tips there. thank you very much. robin? >> robin: now the rising cost of groceries. they are up, as we know, 20% over the past four years. it is one of the things americans are most concerned about when it comes to the economy. becky is back with money saving tips for the next time you head to the store. good morning again, becky. >> robin, grocery prices, they've just been soaring over the last few years. we're all looking for ways to save. lot of times finding alternative for pantry staples can add up to saving big bucks. >> i help you save money on groceries. >> reporter: the saving whiz has creative ways to fight inflation at the grocery store. >> one of those things is to process my own food so i can save a ton of money. there are things we buy at the store that we probably don't need to spend on. >> reporter: she says smart swaps and rethinking packaging can add up to big savings.

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we hit a grocery store, big bulk store to try some tips from the saving whiz. first avoid prepackage items and package them at home yourself. >> we have to understand that convenience comes at a premium price. so the more we can process things at home, especially those things that don't take a lot of time, we can save a lot of money. >> reporter: it's not just prepack anninged fruits and vegetables. also snacks. this warehouse store offers goldfish both with and without individual sizes. because the amount per box are different we break them down to ounces. the prepackaged just $0.28 per ounce and the big bag $0.18 per ounce. that's a savings of 6 bucks per purchase. continuing the snack theme, popcorn. buying a bag of colonels and popping it yourself instead of buying prepopped, that can help you save a ton. this $4.19 bag of kernels.

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it can make 104 cups of popcorn. prepopped has just 18 bucks in a bag and cost $3.99. that's more than $18 in savings. mm. another big opportunity to save? bottled water. a case at my big box store is $4. for a family of four, that could add up to hundreds of dollars per year. >> there are so many other ways you can get great water without having to get bottled water. not only does it save money, but it also saves on waste. >> now one more thing about bottled water. your local water municipality has to publish information on its tap quarter and quality every year. the assumption that bottled water is healthier for you, that might end up costing you big time. it's worth looking up data about your local tap water or researching the cost of a filter to install under your sink. these are all simple ideas but in times of inflation, it is worth rethinking your routine. >> robin: can really add up. becky, hey, thank you for both

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of your reports today. we were just talking about jiffy pop. do you remember that? >> lara: you said it best. better time it right. [ laughter ] >> robin: game on! speaking of pop, how about a little pop news? >> lara: well done, my friend. let's do it. good morning to you and you. we're going to begin with our favorite crime solving trio hitting the road. only murders in the building season 4 just released their first official trailer. the podcasters are heading to hollywood. take a look. >> guys, we're going to hollywood! >> oh my god. >> there's been another murder. >> yay! >> who would kill her? >> maybe we could ask a few questions. >> i'm not talking to you. >> maybe this will unzip your lips. can you break this? i give you 20, you give me back 50.

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>> lara: in this season a hollywood studio is making a movie about the trio's podcast. and movie within the tv show has an a list cast. hulu is calling it the stariest yet. we've got meryl streep, joy, eva longoria, melissa mccarthy, mali shannon and richard kind all joining steve martin, martin short and selena gomez as they work to solve a new case. it premieres august 27 on hulu. we cannot wait. just a big smile, that show. big fun. >> michael: that looks grated. >> lara: it is almost time, everybody. to find a love match for the first golden bachelorette. many thought the golden bachelor would have picked joan before she had to leave the debut season of the golden franchise. while she is back now in the driver's seat, if you will, and we have just been given a list of the men she'll be choosing from. there are 24, ranging from 57 to

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69 including david a rancher. guy is an er doctor from nevada and a retired u.n. agency director from maryland pablo. he's in the mix. also a contractor from west babylon new york, christopher. and bachelor nation may recognize a familiar name in the mix. mark anderson is the dad of kelce anderson. she just won the heart of joey grazide. on the recent bachelor season. her dad is a widower. he has dedicated his life to military and now is ready for a second chance at love. keep it in the family, guys. joan says she's looking for someone with a big heart who's generous and humble and up for the adventure of a life time. the golden bachelorette premieres september 18th here on abc and hulu. joan is a sweetheart. we're rooting for her. very exciting stuff. all right. finally, in movie news, beloved celebrity chef anthony bourdain will be immortalized on the big

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screen in an upcoming biopic called tony. the parts unknown star who lost his battle with mental illness will be played by dominic cessa who won over critics last year in the oscar nominated film "the holdovers." >> robin: that's right. >> lara: he has signed on to play the kitchen confidential star. the holdovers was his very first film. now he takes on the legendary bourdain. he introduced us to cuisine and culture in his own gritty brilliant way. no word on when production will begin. really great role. should be fantastic. and that is pop news. >> george: thank you, lara. now to ginger. >> ginger: after debby dropped a foot to foot and a half around charleston south carolina they got a couple more inches. it caused a lot of flooding. 17 roads were closed. not that one, obviously. people trying to plow through. tulsa could feel up to 114 today.

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from eastern kansas all the way along the gulf, we'll have numbers beyond uncomfortable. air you can wear. you'll see some of the numbers that go through the weeken it's a beautiful day good morning america ♪ >> michael: now to "emily in paris." star lily collins spoke with rebecca jarvis about the new season after a dramatic cliff hanger at the end of season 3. good morning, rebecca. >> rebecca: bonjour, michael. great show.

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the episodes coming up are great. fashion plays such an important role. lily and i went back to where her love of fashion was born. take a look. ahead of the much anticipated season 4 premiere of "emily in paris." so nice to see you. i caught up with star lily colins in west hollywood, for a trip down memory lane stopping by the boutique where she worked as a teen. this is where you worked? >> i used to come here as a kid with my mom. then i worked here when i was 16. >> rebecca: a catchup with her old boss. polka dots and moon beams owner wendy. >> you look the same pitchen seen you in so long. oh my god. ten years. >> rebecca: how was she as an employee? >> she was one of my best, my best employee. just innate style. you just had it.

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>> i grew up around fashion. my mom instilled a love of fashion an also vintage. to then play a character immersed in that world it just felt like so natural. i don't know. felt organic. >> rebecca: lily's childhood interest in fashion almost foreshadowing her role she would embody as fashionista emily cooper whose outfits in the show take center stage. is there one piece of emily's that you love the most? >> it's actually more of the, like, bolder outfits that are more costumey. this season there's a black and white ball game. i promised myself i'd be open to any possibility. >> rebecca: i feel coming into the store as a shopper with you and wendy here, you would definitely leave with maybe more than you intended to buy. >> i was pretty convincing. >> rebecca: so convincing she

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almost talked me into a new beret. >> oh, it goes with your skirt. >> rebecca: i don't know, lily. >> no. you threw that on perfectly. >> rebecca: after a little shopping, we stopped for a coffee and to talk all things season 4. for a new fan, people who are new to "emily in paris" how do they get caught up? what do you want them to know? >> girl moved from the u.s. to france to start a new life. has a little bit of slipup. learns along the way. finds a guy, loses a guy. finds another guy, loses that guy. then they're back in the picture. then there's a triangle. then more geometry happens. >> rebecca: she's of course talking about the love triangle that's dominated the show. according to lily, it will take some unexpected turns in the new season. what can you tell us? >> well, i think everyone assumes that they know what the love triangle is and who it consists of. but there's multiple shapes. i don't know how to say it other

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than geometry is like a big part of emily in paris. and, you know, the triangle can keep, like, moving around. so there's definitely a lot of romance in this season. men, hot men. >> rebecca: if emily could go relocate to any city in the world, where would it be? >> honestly, i think emily in tokyo would be great. >> rebecca: oh, definitely. with the fashion there. >> the fashion, all the, like -- >> rebecca: texture and people. >> the things and the people and i don't know. i'm pitching it now. >> you can really feel the love there. and lily also tells me that she and the cast are genuinely real friends off set. they frequently show up to support each other's projects, so i am sure they will all support her when she makes her

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london west end stage debut in the play barcelona. this fall. part one of emily in paris season four premieres on netflix tomorrow. part two on september 12th. really excited. >> thank you all right. thank you. looks like a lot of fun you had there coming up. garcelle beauvais is here live. we'll be right back. >> friday morning it's cheesy. good morning america. and you jump starting your summer weekend hot friday morning g-eazy performing live only on good morning america's summer concert series, sponsored by wayfair. they both want to be your next president. and starting monday, kamala harris and tim walz make their case for the white house. david muir and abc news right there. it's a democratic national convention unlike any other. starting monday on abc friday night, the 2020 true crime pamela smart, the infamous case that had everyone talking. >> it has sex, betrayal and most

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importantly, murder. a beautiful 22 year old woman having an affair with a 16 year old boy. she told him that the only way we can be together is if you kill my husband. >> and now, after 34 years in prison and a dramatic plea for a last chance at freedom, her emotional, stunning new admission 2020 friday night on abc. >> the clock is ticking. i'm losing it, man. >> i am not in a great position right now. >> this clue i am able to immediately figure it out. >> fear is bigger in imax >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings at 827. here's a look at traffic and amanda. >> hi, reggie. yeah, we've been tracking a three car crash over in union city that has just recently cleared. you can see people are still dealing with

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that residual delay, though. 24mph is how slow it's going through. this is specifically northbound 880 at alvarado niles road. it was blocking the left lane. we are seeing the backup to thornton avenue. but then looking at the nimitz over in the east bay, oakland 880, both directions seem to be doing okay. of course, people headed toward the bay bridge, moving a little bit slower for you, and i'm going to end it here with the richmond bridge, a three vehicle crash is blocking the left lane, slowing things down there to about six miles per hour. this is after the mid span. reggie aqui. >> thanks amanda. we are back with drew tuma's forecast. >> it's hot outside but it's cool in here. shop for your new rv in our air conditioned indoor showroom and get a great deal like this thor dazzle discounted to just 534 per month. visit today or go >> caring for an older adult is more than just a job. it's a journey. so whether you're a paid caregiver looking to member learning the basics ofily

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discounted to just $689 per month. selection and savings at rick van. visit today. >> the accuweather forecast. hello from our east bay hills camera, a mix of some low clouds and sunshine out there. temperatures. right now we are in the 50s and in the 60s. look how chilly your ocean water temperature is right now. so today inland will have lots of sunshine near 9070s around the bay. shoreline along the coast will be in the 60s. so today, temperatures at or just slightly above average. >> reggie aqui drew thank you. another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always catch us on our news app and abc seven >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> robin: we are delighted because we are back with a celebrated actress, tv host an beverly hills housewives fan favorite, garcelle beauvais is in a new

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movie terry mcmillan presents tempted by love. would you please give a big gma welcome to garcelle. [ applause ] >> yeah! i loved talking to you during the break. >> i love you guys so much, i watch every morning. >> michael: thank you. >> robin: we appreciate it. we gave you that little behind the scenes. congratulations on everything. and you are stepping into this role as star and producer. >> yes. >> robin: tell us how this all came about. were you a fan of terry's work? >> oh, yeah, waiting to exhale was everybody's movie, right? terry mcmillan has been in my head and household for years. so getting a chance with lifetime to create tempted by love was just like a pinch me moment. when we came up with the idea of a may december romance. we wanted to keep it real. it's not about a hot woman with a younger man. she talks about real things. i'm sure we'll get into that a little more. >> george: she was in your head. did you do anything else to

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prepare? >> for me, i tried to date younger men. [ laughter ] no, i'm kidding. [ laughter ] >> robin: do tell. >> preparing for the role, i wanted to get the chef part. my character is a michelin chef. so i really wanted to master that. and i know how to cook, but i wanted to look like a chef, right? so i went to you tube university and studied really hard. it was fun. it was really fun. >> michael: going to be fun for us to take a look at a clip. check it out. >> age ain't nothing but a number. >> i think you were sipping on the bottle when i was clubbing to that song. >> that's a great idea. our first date, we should go dancing. >> i'm not going on a date with you. >> why not? >> because. >> because is a conjunction not an answer. ah. got that from your aunt. >> real mature. >> and i'm the one that's too young for you? >> i got a lot on my plate. >> ooh. >> michael: tempted by love.

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>> robin: what good chemistry there. >> we were really looking for an actor that was young enough, but man enough to be believed that he would get a woman like that. he was great. >> michael: speaking of dating i heard you had an interesting episode with a dating app. tell us about that. >> oh my god. i signed up for this app and i thought -- you had to pay for it. it was a lot of money per week. i was like, i don't feel right having to pay to meet a man. so i get off the app. months later i'm on my phone and i hadn't deleted it. and $6,000 later. >> lara: no! >> yes. and i didn't meet a soul, by the way. it was awful. i mean, it was just disastrous. >> lara: not one date. >> because i didn't feel right. the minute i signed up i was like, i don't want to do this. 6 grand later. that's a lot of money. >> michael: that's a heck of a date. [ laughter ]

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>> i didn't get a date. >> lara: i have been a fan of yours for a long time. before you were -- you're producing now, housewives. very successful model. now your boys, who we've watched grow up on the housewives. is it just one or both? >> one. jade. >> lara: jade wants to follow in your footsteps. how does it make you feel about that? >> i'm excited about him. he's the shyer of my two boys. so i think it will be great for him to come out of his shell. if he gets to travel, earn some money which is what he wants to do. i'm for it. i don't think i'll be a momager, but i'll good him here and there. >> lara: did you give them one great word of wisdom? >> be yourself. if anything doesn't feel right, don't do it. don't do it. >> michael: great advice. >> gotta go with your gut. >> lara: all right. you were all very outspoken on housewives. i don't need to tell anybody. you are truly the fan favorite as we said in the intro. i think it is because you keep

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it very real on the show. will we see your love life play out on the show? 'cause you definitely are protective of yourself. >> listen, you have to show as much as you can. it's hard to find someone that's gonna fit that mold. >> lara: and will allow you to do it. >> it's really interesting. so, michael, next season, will you come on? [ laughter ] he said mm-hmm. i didn't mean to put you on the spot. >> michael: i'm blushing. [ laughter ] >> michael: ever see a black man blush? [ laughter ] >> if i was in a relationship, i wouldn't want it to be on the show. there are some things you have to keep sacred. >> lara: how do you stop that? >> right now i don't have one so it's easy to do. we're all blushing. >> lara: look what you do to men. >> my gosh. that's crazy. >> lara: they wanted me to ask, is there a real housewives of beverly hills group text?

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>> oh, absolutely we have a group text. sometimes i got to take a break because it's too much. but we do have a group text. we have a good friendship. what i love about beverly hill, it's not as toxic as, you know, maybe some other franchises. i don't want to put anybody on the spot. yeah, there's some really good friendships out of there. >> lara: that's nice to hear. love that. >> doesn't mean we're not gonna shade one another though. >> robin: tempted by love. tell us one more thing. one more thing about why people should watch. what are they gonna get? >> it gives women hope about finding love at any age and being open. we talk about my character going through, has arthritis. going through menopause. i think that's a real, you know, conversation to have. it also connected them because he's going through something. you can be going through things

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and still be sexy, intimate and in love. >> robin: we have halle barry here tomorrow talking about menopause. >> i love it. she's a friend of mine. i'm so excited she's coming in. >> robin: we'll tell her you say hey. >> hey, girl. >> robin: thank you thank you. thank you for your grace. thank you for everyone. terry mcmillan presents tempted by love premieres saturday on lifetime. coming up what happened when the emt who delivered organs for transplant needed one of his own. come on back. who does he look like? wait a minute. >> lara: strahan? >> robin: yeah!

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z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever.

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with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time. >> what are your must haves in a man? >> i'm very picky about a man being a gentleman and whether he's generous. >> wherever that guy is we want you to be happy. >> i want to propose a toast. thank you for all the support

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you've been. i'm not here to replace dad. i just want our family to be whole again. >> cheers to a great adventure. >> michael: we are back with the man who has devoted his life to helping others through their toughest times. travis kerns is tasked with bringing precious cargo, organ donations, to those who need them. then the tables were turned. >> travis is cheerful. >> amazing. >> spespectacular. >> michael: he's been saving lives for the past 20 years. >> we got a hot one today. rocking and rolling. >> michael: as an emt working for the charlotte, north carolina, health center, 44-year-old travis kearns transports organs to patients awaiting life saving surgery. >> every single day i go to work with pride. i feel like i'm helping someone every day through their darkest moment. >> michael: his passion for his

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work is obvious. >> positive influence on all the employees here. he's always smiling when we're at work. his smile is what helps relax patients when we pick them up. >> michael: it's a smile that might look familiar. that million dollar smile earning him the nickname strahan. >> i said, you look like that giants football player. both of you have gap tooth. >> went to the barber shop. they were like, strahan, strahan. >> michael: and that big smile and positive attitude got him through a challenging health battle when travis was diagnosed with stage iv liver cancer in 2021. >> i was devastated. i was like, i have so much life to live. i wanted to see my daughter grow up, get married, have children. >> michael: travis soon found himself in a position he'd helped so many through before. he needed a liver transplant to beat the cancer. >> it was a roller coaster of emotions. it didn't feel real at first. >> reporter: his daughter and ex-wife never leaving his side. >> he said, i think i'm gonna

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make it. his passion to be here for his daughter i truly believe made him beat this horrible disease. >> she motivated me. she'd make me pancakes and checked on me. >> you never could tell anything was wrong. lot of times your attitude is 90% of your diagnosis. so i knew he was gonna do great. he always has such a positive attitude about it. >> michael: this past march, nearly three years after his cancer diagnosis, travis received the call he'd been waiting for. >> got a match. told my partner, i was like, hey, i gotta go. >> michael: the next day travis under went a successful liver transplant and is now considered cancer free. >> i'm gonna flash this money maker. >> michael: what a great story. travis and his daughter kennedy are here with us. give it up for them.

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[ applause ] do you know what? let's get that gap. >> yeah, whoo! >> michael: i think you look better than me. thank you for being here. you've given so much to so many people throughout your work. it's been five months since you had your surgery. how are you doing? >> doing good. i feel good. i didn't realize i felt bad before. now that i feel good. i have energy now. i'm like, man, this is how i'm supposed to feel. i knew something was off. i just felt sluggish. i was thinking, all right, i'm just 40. i thought that's how i was supposed to feel. nah, something different. thankfully i checked in with my doctors after i wasn't feeling too well in 2021. found out i had cancerous mass on my liver. my team, they jumped into action. i'm here today. >> michael: the great thing is you just gave an important message to a lot of men out there. go get checked up if you're not feeling well.

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kennedy, your dad, you were by his side during this entire time that he had, that was tough. for you how is it being a care giver to your father? >> it was fine. i got to try a whole bunch of recipes. he had no choice but to eat them. i was on tik tok and whatever breakfast meal i could find, i would make. that's when i first started making french toast, waffles and just everything. i was just glad to be by his side really. >> michael: get a built in chef. you're lucky. how are things different now that your dad has recovered? i hear you are running together? >> yes, we're running. there's a thing called mad miles back in charlotte. every single tuesday people come together to run around the shar let area. >> michael: you got to be proud of your daughter four the way she's been there? >> i'm proud. she's great. she was my motivation this whole time.

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at 41 i was diagnosed with this canner. i was like, i ain't going out like that. i'm gonna watch her graduate high school, college, get married, have children, all this stuff. i'm not gonna miss it. i'm gonna achieve my goals. i'm like, i'm gonna fight this. i was down for a second but i was like, nope, let me fight this. you know? i ain't gonna be sad, depressed. only thing sad that made me sad was watching my hornets play. [ laughter ] >> michael: that part you had no control over. hopefully, this year is a better year. you two have been through a lot over the past four years so, you know, we have some friends. and they happen to be at disney. you know, we know some people at disney. they wanted to treat you two to a trip to walt disney world! that's right! >> whoa! no way! >> michael: you're going to get

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to stay at the hotel resort. you're also going to get to visit the four theme parks there. kennedy, you excited about that? >> i'm past excited! oh my gosh! what? >> michael: you're going. you are going. >> that's right. >> michael: thank you for doing so much for everyone else. i'm glad you're doing well. kennedy, thank you for being a great young lady, inspiration to so many. >> thank you so, so much. >> michael: an inspiration. men get checked out. kid who cooks for you when you need them most. that's what we all need. now we're going to ginger. >> ginger: love that story. love your reaction. have the best time ever. i wanted to make sure you saw this. july was the warmest on record for the planet which makes it the 14th consecutive month at record globally. let's go a

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>> lara: right now the first look at the new campaign in the love has no labeling initiative highlighting discrimination faced by the lgbtq+ community. take a look. >> these walls and windows hold me tight. the warm embrace we all call home. this little street is a land of liberty of its own where i always have a place to go. i'm free to call this place my --

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>> george: we are back with one of the stars of shogun. he scored an emmy nomination for lead actor, one of 25 for the show. thank you for coming in this morning.

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>> thank you for having me. >> george: that was some morning for shogun. 25 different emmy nominations. where were you when you found out? >> i was watching the tv live. and then when i saw myself in the monitor, i was like, is it true? felt like a dream, you know? all of the great nominees. oh my gosh. yeah. i was so excited. >> george: that's a special, special moment. i know this movie was a very long journey, what, seven or eight years? show was a long journey. are you surprised that you found the audience that it has? >> yeah. actually, the reaction was great, more than we expected, especially 70% japanese and subtitles. it was like a gamble. but we believed the audience, their imagination and intelligence or curiosity for the other culture.

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so, yeah, i believe that worked. and then, yeah. the great reaction itself, so happy. and then nomination for each categories. >> george: you blew everyone away. >> so happy. i'm so proud of all my crew an cast. >> george: let's take a look at a clip. >> george: war lord. fun to play? >> yeah, indeed. especially my role model role shogun actor was my hero since i was a kid because he created a peaceful era for 260 years. that's why he became a hero. and then playing his story, you

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know, it's important for now. so that was my motivation. >> george: what did you hope people got from his story? >> for me, patience. yeah. he became a shogun at the end, but until then he waited long time. great story. patient. >> george: waiting for the right moment. >> yeah. so much matches my life. i think because i read his novel when i was young, and then after i graduated from child actor, i started reading and then doing the training as an actor. i read his book. so, okay. like him, wait, not think about

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just two years later, 30s, 40s. i started thinking, okay, don't rush. so 50s, 60s, that's my important era. yeah. >> george: that's an important lesson. you also came out of a big movie before that, john wick with keanu reeves. i heard he gave you a gift. >> yeah. just before shogun i was on set for the john wick. and then he shared the great icing machine. good for all the injuries. and then after john wick shooting, i went to shogun immediately. he sent me that machine to vancouver where we shot shogun, you know? he's so generous. and then he saved my shogun life.

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>> george: great to hear. >> thank you, keanu. [ laughter ] >> george: thank you for coming in. you can stream shogun on hulu. you can catch the emmy awards sunday september 15th. we'll be right back. ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ you gotta believe me when i tell ya ♪ ♪ i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ clap your hands if you want some more ♪ ♪ que rico ♪ ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i've got the soul i've got the soul ♪ ♪ i like it like that ♪ [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch?

8:55 am

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>> scratchers from the california lottery. a little play can make your day. if you've been hurt in an accident and you need results, call sweet james. >> here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. call the firm that wins big call, sweet james abc, seven mornings. good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. >> seven mornings. amanda has a look at your traffic. >> hi. reg will take you to a live look of the bay bridge toll plaza, where the backup is to the middle of the parking lot here. things do slow down, though. the metering lights remain on, but it is slow moving across the span into the city. 57 minutes is what it will take you to get from highway four

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into san francisco. and i'll leave you with a look at the golden gate bridge, a fog advisory has been issued, but no delays into or out of the city. drew. hi, amanda. we'll track our winds today. >> they will pick up later on this afternoon. we'll have winds gusting about 20 to 35mph. so today inland, sunny, upper 80 to near 90 degrees around the bay shoreline. we have those morning clouds giving us sunshine and temperatures in the 70s. quite cloudy along the coast right now. as amanda mentioned, we'll get those highs in the low 60s. so looking at the map today, we're at or just slightly above average for this time of the year. reggie, thanks for your time now for live with kelly and mark. >> we'll see you again see you again on deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. ♪♪ today, from shark tank, mark cuban. plus, a performance from superstar jon batiste. and stay fit while you travel.

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Actress Garcelle Beauvais; actor Hiroyuki Sanada; actress Lily Collins.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.