How to Create Thoughtful & Inclusive Gender Survey Questions (2024)

How to Create Thoughtful & Inclusive Gender Survey Questions (1)

Have you ever felt the frustration of trying to fit yourself into a box that doesn’t quite capture who you are?

Now, imagine encountering this every time you take a survey. As society evolves to recognize the beautiful complexity of gender, our surveys need to evolve from the binary options of “male” & “female” too.

But why do gender survey questions matter?

Well, for one, having an accurate idea of your survey takers’ identities is essential if you want precise market research data. It also helps foster a more inclusive environment in workplaces and educational institutions, leading to a happier, more productive workforce.

In this blog, we’ll explore how to create questions that respect and acknowledge the diverse spectrum of gender identities, along with their pros, cons, and best practices.

How to Create a Survey Using ProProfs Survey Maker

What Are Gender Survey Questions?

How to Create Thoughtful & Inclusive Gender Survey Questions (2)

Gender survey questions are tools used in surveys and questionnaires to collect information about a person’s gender identity. Unlike traditional questions that only offer “male” or “female” options, these questions are designed to be inclusive and reflect the diverse spectrum of gender identities.

They might include options like “non-binary,” “genderqueer,” and “prefer to self-describe,” allowing respondents to represent their gender accurately.

While commonly used in demographic surveys, gender questions are also used in various other research fields, such as business and social sciences. They help evaluators see how (or if) respondents’ gender might influence their choices and behaviors and make it easier to spot underlying patterns.

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How to Ask About Gender in a Survey

In a survey, questions that make recipients feel seen and included can be powerful motivators to draw a response. A survey that generalizes genders under binary categories can discourage survey takers who don’t identify with any of the options from answering.

When asking about gender, being inclusive, respectful, and clear is key. Here’s how you can craft questions that resonate with everyone:

1. Use Inclusive Options: It’s crucial to recognize that gender is not limited to “male” and “female.” Including a broader range of options allows respondents to represent their identities accurately. Some additional options might include “non-binary,” “agender,” “genderqueer,” “genderfluid,” and “prefer to self-describe.” This inclusivity not only shows respect but also improves the accuracy of your data.

How to Create Thoughtful & Inclusive Gender Survey Questions (3)

2. Provide an Open-Ended Option: Sometimes, predefined categories may not capture everyone’s identity. Including a “prefer to self-describe” option allows respondents to describe their gender in their own words. This flexibility ensures that everyone can express their true identity.
3. Respect Privacy: Gender identity is a personal matter, and not everyone may feel comfortable disclosing it. Including an option like “prefer not to say” allows respondents to skip the question if they choose, ensuring they don’t feel pressured to reveal personal information.
4. Be Clear and Sensitive: When framing your question, use respectful language and avoid assumptions about gender. Ensure that your question is easy to understand and considers the diverse experiences and identities of your respondents.
5. Explain Why: Provide context for why you’re asking about gender. This will help respondents understand the importance of the question and how their answers can impact the interpretation of the survey data.

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Why Should You Ask Questions About Gender in a Survey?

According to a Pew Research Center survey, about 42% of Americans believe forms and online profiles should offer gender options beyond “man” and “woman” for those who don’t identify as either.

How to Create Thoughtful & Inclusive Gender Survey Questions (4)

Source: Pew Research Center

This rising consciousness of inclusivity demands an accurate representation of survey takers for clearer, more accurate data.

Here’s a detailed list of all the reasons why offering diverse gender choices on forms is a crucial step:

  1. Inclusivity: By providing more gender options, you ensure that all respondents feel recognized and respected, which can lead to higher engagement and more accurate responses.
  2. Accurate Data Collection: Understanding the diverse gender identities of your respondents helps with more precise data analysis, helping to identify trends and patterns that might be overlooked with limited options.
  3. Better Decision-Making: For businesses, inclusive gender data can inform marketing strategies, product development, and customer service practices, ensuring they meet the needs of all customers.
  4. Social Awareness and Progress: Including diverse gender options in surveys raises awareness about gender diversity and supports the broader movement toward social acceptance and equality.
  5. Workplace Inclusivity: In organizational settings, understanding the gender diversity of employees can aid in creating more inclusive policies and a supportive work environment.

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What Are the Pros and Cons of Using Gender Questions in Surveys?

While gender inclusivity in surveys comes with a lot of perks, it is not entirely devoid of shortcomings either. Let’s explore both in detail:


  1. Inclusivity and Representation: When you offer a range of gender options, everyone feels seen and respected. This can lead to more people participating and giving honest answers.
  2. Accurate Demographic Data: Knowing the diverse gender identities of your respondents helps you get a clearer picture and understand your audience better.
  3. Informed Decision-Making: For businesses and organizations, having inclusive gender data means you can tailor your products, marketing strategies, and customer service to meet the needs of all customers.
  4. Policy Development: Understanding gender diversity in your organization helps in crafting policies that create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone.
  5. Social Awareness and Progress: Asking about gender diversity helps raise awareness and supports the movement toward greater acceptance and equality.
  6. Tailored Services: When you know more about the gender identities of your respondents, you can better design services and interventions that truly meet their needs.


  1. Privacy Concerns: Some people might feel uncomfortable sharing their gender identity, which could make them hesitant to complete the survey.
  2. Misinterpretation or Offense: If gender questions aren’t phrased thoughtfully, they can offend or confuse respondents, leading to skewed data.
  3. Complexity and Length: Adding more gender options can make the survey longer and more complex, potentially putting off some respondents.
  4. Data Sensitivity: Gathering gender data means you need to handle it carefully to protect confidentiality and privacy, which adds responsibility.
  5. Cultural Differences: In some regions or cultures, gender diversity might not be widely accepted or understood, which could lead to confusion or backlash.
  6. Potential Bias: If gender questions aren’t well-designed, they can introduce bias, affecting the accuracy and reliability of your data.

Best Practices for Asking Gender Questions in a Questionnaire

Gender is a sensitive topic for many, and knowing how to pose the questions without disrespecting respondents is key to getting accurate responses and increasing the survey completion rate. Here are some best practices to follow while crafting your questionnaire:

1. Use Inclusive Language:

  • Ensure your options reflect a range of gender identities beyond “male” and “female.”


  • Male
  • Female
  • Non-binary
  • Prefer to self-describe: __________
  • Prefer not to say

2. Provide an Open-Ended Option:

  • Allow respondents to describe their gender in their own words if they don’t identify with the listed options.
  • Example: “Prefer to self-describe: __________”

3. Respect Privacy:

  • Include an option for respondents who prefer not to disclose their gender.
  • Example: “Prefer not to say”

4. Be Clear and Sensitive:

  • Use respectful and non-assumptive language.
  • Avoid terms or phrasing that might be confusing or offensive to respondents.

5. Explain the Purpose:

  • If possible, explain why you are asking about gender. This transparency can help respondents understand the importance of the question.
  • Example: “We ask about gender to ensure we are inclusive and to better understand the needs of all our participants.”

6. Position the Question Thoughtfully:

  • Place the gender question in a logical position within the survey, such as alongside other demographic questions.
  • Avoid placing it at the very beginning if you think it might cause discomfort.

7. Test Your Questions:

  • Before finalizing the survey, test your gender question with a diverse group to ensure it is clear, inclusive, and respectful.
  • Collect feedback and be open to making adjustments based on this feedback.

8. Avoid Mandatory Responses:

  • Do not make the gender question mandatory, as this can make some respondents uncomfortable and lead to incomplete surveys.

9. Stay Updated:

  • Gender identity language and best practices evolve. Regularly review and update your survey questions to stay current with inclusive terminology and practices.

10. Be Culturally Sensitive:

  • Be aware of the cultural context of your respondents. In some cultures, gender diversity might be understood differently, and you may need to adjust your questions accordingly.

How to Create Thoughtful & Inclusive Gender Survey Questions (5)

Gather Meaningful Data With Rightly Placed Gender Survey Questions

Gender questions in surveys aren’t just a box to tick—it’s about making sure everyone feels seen and respected. Inclusive gender options, open-ended responses, and privacy respect are crucial to making respondents comfortable and your data accurate.

Explain why you’re asking these questions, and place them thoughtfully in your survey. Keep your questions updated to reflect current language and cultural contexts.

Good gender questions mean better data, leading to smarter decisions and more inclusive policies. When you prioritize inclusivity, you create respectful and insightful surveys that benefit everyone involved.

If you are unsure where to start, a tool like ProProfs Survey Maker with an AI survey generator and readymade templates can be your best bet. You can automatically create a questionnaire, customize it with your questions and brand themes, and share it instantly wherever or however you like.

How to Create Thoughtful & Inclusive Gender Survey Questions (2024)


How to Create Thoughtful & Inclusive Gender Survey Questions? ›

Because a respondent's gender may align with more than one of the listed identities (for example, someone may identify as a transgender woman), it is recommended that you either ask whether a respondent identifies as transgender in a separate question or include both “cisgender” and “transgender” in the listed gender ...

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Because a respondent's gender may align with more than one of the listed identities (for example, someone may identify as a transgender woman), it is recommended that you either ask whether a respondent identifies as transgender in a separate question or include both “cisgender” and “transgender” in the listed gender ...

How to ask gender questions on a survey? ›

When asking about gender as a category, words like woman, man, and trans* should be used. Sexual orientation refers to a person's emotional, physical, and sexual attraction to other people. When asking about sexual orientation as a category, words like gay/lesbian, bisexual/pansexual, and heterosexual should be used.

What is the question for inclusive gender identity? ›

Rather than simply introducing options following the title, “Gender,” it is preferable to ask a question such as, “How do you identify?” or “To which gender identity do you most identify?”

How to make a questionnaire inclusive? ›

As you write survey questions, try not to center certain ideas or identities as “normal.” One example of this is the “generic he.” This is when male words or pronouns are used as a “neutral” way to communicate, like if a survey asks respondents about their manager and whether he promotes a supportive work environment.

How do you make gender inclusive? ›

Best practices/strategies
  1. Use non-discriminatory language. 1.1 Forms of address. ...
  2. Make gender visible when it is relevant for communication. 2.1 Using feminine and masculine pronouns. ...
  3. Do not make gender visible when it is not relevant for communication. 3.1 Use gender-neutral words.

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Gender Roles Survey
  • How old are you? ...
  • What household chores do you usually perform? ( ...
  • Do you think gender roles should be abolished? ...
  • Which of the following types of work do you consider more suitable for men? ( ...
  • Which of the following types of work do you consider more suitable for women? (

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Five Questions to Ask to Get the Gender Equality Conversation Started in Your Organization. What would our organization look like if our gender equality goals were met… What are we missing out on by not maximizing the talents of both genders… What do we see that tells us we have room to improve our gender equality…

What is an example of gender inclusion? ›

Women and men are offered gender-equitable programs in health care and sports. Women and men feel safe and are not subject to violence or sexist discrimination in either the private or public spheres. Women and men are free to express their personalities and are appreciated and respected in their diversity.

What is gender inclusive approach? ›

Gender inclusion is a concept that transcends mere equality. It's the notion that all services, opportunities, and establishments are open to all people and that male and female stereotypes do not define societal roles and expectations.

What is an inclusive question? ›

Inclusive questions can capture the nuances of different experiences and perspectives, making the data richer and more insightful. Inclusive surveys also help to minimize bias by ensuring that questions and response options do not favor or marginalize any particular group.

What is an inclusive survey? ›

You create an inclusive survey when you're conscious of how you ask about sexual orientation and gender identity, religion, or when you consider your respondent experience from many perspectives.

How to ask gender politely? ›

Ask about pronouns, not gender.

Many people are nonbinary or genderqueer, meaning they don't identify as a man or woman. Instead, ask what words you should use to refer to them. Instead of asking "What is your gender," ask, "What pronouns do you use?"

What is neutral gender? ›

The term 'gender-neutral' means that something is not associated with either women or men.

How to ask about gender in market research? ›

When asking multiple questions, including sex and gender, it may be preferable to change the question wording from “Are you” to “What is your gender?” for clarity. Local guidance should be taken as in some markets the concept of gender is not understood in the same way it is in English.

Why is gender important in survey questionnaire? ›

It will enable you to derive results and study behavioral patterns according to gender and to make wise decisions for the purpose you are conducting your research. Asking gender questions enables you to ensure that your sample is representative or to study the gender effects on your research.


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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.